Bad Manners

Heavy Petting
Moon Ska MR107 CD, released 1997 (U.S.)
Tachyon International TR-C-314 CD, released 1997 (Japan)
Pressure Drop PDROP CD 22 CD, released 2013 (UK)
Dont' Knock the Baldhead!
Pork Pie 05606-1 LP / 05606-1 CD, released 1997 (Germany)
Tralla TRCD 063 CD / TRK7063 Cassette, released 1997 (Spain)
Bad Manners comes to Moon Ska. Bad Manners seems to be a afterthought in many discussions of the 2Tone era (mainly because they were never on the 2Tone label, I think). This is criminal. They were every bit as important as the others. Plus, they were the only band of the time to really stick to their guns and not alter their sound to fit in more with the '80s mainstream. This disc was not their best work, but it's fun. It was released in Japan under the same title, but with different artwork. It was also released with a different title, Don't Knock the Baldhead!, in Germany and Spain. The artwork was different for those as well.
Version | Value ($) | Scarcity | Price Trending |
Moon Ska MR107 CD | 5-8 | 3 | Stable |
Tachyon International TR-C-314 CD | 15-20 | 6 | Stable |
Pork Pie 05606-1 LP Black | 20-25 | 5 | Stable |
Pork Pie 05606-2 CD | 3-5 | 3 | Stable |
Tralla TRCD 063 CD | 4-6 | 4 | Stable |
Tralla TRK7063 Cassette | 6-8 | 5 | Stable |
Pressure Drop PDROP CD 22 CD | 5-8 | 3 | Stable |
Credits | Discogs: Tralla, Pork Pie, Tachyon International sleeves |
This page was last updated on March 31, 2020.