Los Pies Negros

Moviendo Los Pies
Self-released LPN020 Cassette, released 1994 (U.S.)
Distributed by Moon Ska as MR070
Pepe Lobo CD, released 2000 (Mexico)
Puerto Rico's Los Pies Negros gained themselves a little mainland U.S. exposure with this cassette (their second). It was distributed by Moon Ska, and is not a common find anymore. A CD version of it was released several years later on Pepe Lobo Records - that one is a bit easier to track down. Both are fairly tough, though.
Version | Value ($) | Scarcity | Price Trending |
LPN020 Cassette | 8-12 | 7 | Stable |
Pepe Lobo CD | 12-15 | 5 | Stable |
This page was last updated on March 29, 2020.